For My Country-Unwind DK3
Nights Of Celebration 2017 Limited Edition
Death So Fatal 2017 Limited Edition
For Madmen Only 2009 CD
New Hope for the Dead CD
New Hope for the Dead Vinyl
Rising From The Dread EP 2015
For Madmen Only T Shirt
Unexpected Guest T Shirt
For My Country T Shirt
WE ARE NOW OPEN FOR OUR AUTUMN SALE OF UK DECAY, RAYMUNDO AND STEVE SPON MERCHANDISE.LIMITED RE-ISSUE OF YAK FAVOURITE “DEATH SO FATAL” Only £8.99 inc.free shipping* LIMITED RE-ISSUE OF “NIGHT’S OF CELEBRATION” Only £8.99 inc.free shipping* “NEW HOPE FOR THE DEAD” VINYL Now Only £14.99 inc.free shipping* “RISING FROM THE DREAD” VINYL Now Only £13.50 inc.free shipping* “FOR MADMEN ONLY” CD with booklet and “NEW HOPE FOR THE DEAD” CD BOTH NOW ONLY 8.99 inc.free shipping* UK DECAY T – SHIRTS including the classic’s “FOR MADMEN ONLY” , “FOR MY COUNTRY” , “UNEXPECTED GUEST” which are now only £17.00 inc free shipping* This price is for the standard T Shirt (all sizes) and all T Shirt’s are now also available in Ladies ‘T’S and Premium ‘T’S which are only £20.00 inc free shipping* Other T Shirts designs include “RISING FROM THE DREAD” , “SPLIT SINGLE” , “SEXUAL/TWIST” and “NEW HOPE FOR THE DEAD” all available in Standard, Ladies and Premium shirts at sale price. We also have a few 7″ Vinyl available at sale price. Our Autumn sale will be open until either we run out of items or until November 30th 2017. UK DECAY’s sticksman Raymundo has written his first book “FURIOSO” a Victorian Gothic Crime Novel it’s available for 0.99p for a short period. Steve Spon in the guise as “NOSTRAMUS” has several products available in a bundle of three one hour long CD Albums for just £16.49 including free shipping. Finally if you have kids between the ages of 5 to 11 years there are three Gwubbins The Witch Audio/Musical stories bundled together for only £15.00 inc. free shipping , beautifully narrated and with music and sounds to keep the kids happy on long car journeys or at bedtime! RAYMUNDO AND SPON’s PROJECTS
Furioso – a book by Raymundo
Steve Spon’s Nostramus 3 x CD Bundle
Ella Jo 4 x CD Bundle
Gwubbins The Witch 3 CD Bundle
All prices include free shipping to the UK and reduced shipping elsewhere. Autumn sale will end November 30th 2017 Contact werewolf –at– ukdecay.co.uk All prices include free shipping to the UK and reduced shipping elsewhere. Werewolf note: “I am try to accept payment via crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin because I see this as the future of world transactions. The only problem is that I need a third party i can trust” I like the idea of the new currencies because it can free us up from big banks and prying government” . Watch this space.. |