Tantra and The Condemned
Tantra (Bedford)
Andy Driver – Vocals
Sue (Driver) – Drums
Bard – Bass Guitar
Anee – Voice
Alan – Guitar?
- tantra Driv Liz The Void 1979 Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford The Condemned Crew Leighton Buzzard 1981 Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford The Condemned LeightonBuzzard 1981 Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford Christ On Parade Bowes Lyon House 1986 Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford Sue The Condemned Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford Sue The Condemned 2 Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford Andy The Condemned Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford ANDY DRIVER Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford Condemned/Tantra-Bedford Punks Flyers Posters & memorbillia etc Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford UK Decay Bunyan Condemned flyer Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford Sketch flyer Condemned Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford Karma Sutra flyer Condemned Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford Sandy flyer Condemned Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford Horse Groom flyer Condemned Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford Horse Groom 2 flyer Condemned Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford LU7 YC flyer Condemned Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford Chronic Outbursts Condemned Crazy Cockeral flyer2 Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford Chronic Outbursts Condemned Dirt flyer Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford Chronic Outbursts Condemned Psychotic flyer Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford Cinders Death flyer Condemned Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford Kiss Tommorrow goodbye flyer Condemned Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford Voice of What flyer Condemned Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford You hold all the Aces flyer Condemned Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford Silent Scream flyer Condemned Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford Condemned gender flyer Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford Condemned never again flyer Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford Condemned teach flyer Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford Condemned riot flyer Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford Condemned eternal flyer Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford Condemned Discharge flyer Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford Do you remember this flyer? leave a comment CONDEMNED REPLY Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford CONDEMNED PRESS1 Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford Live1 Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford LU7 carnival review Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford Dk CO CND small ad Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford Swamp Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford Assorted 1 Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford AGFC1 280484 Pic kindly supplied by Anee AGFC2 280484 Pic kindly supplied by Anee An 040784 Pic kindly supplied by Anee Bard 040784 Pic kindly supplied by Anee Driv 040784 Pic kindly supplied by Anee Tantra Winkles 140383 Pic kindly supplied by Anee BardaliciousPic kindly supplied by Anee gigflyer Pic kindly supplied by Anee Top-9 Pic kindly supplied by Anee St Albans Pic kindly supplied by Anee Rehersal 84 Pic kindly supplied by Anee Steve Harle and Tantra Baby Pic kindly supplied by Anee Condemned sick flyer Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford Condemned tpeace flyer Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford Condemned warcry letter flyer Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford Tantra 28 04 84 Sue and Andy Driver Chronic Outbursts Condemned Dirt2 flyer Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford Generations flyer Condemned Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford Bowes Manufactured Romance-Condemned Bedford punks 1980 Condemned live At Leighton Buzzard 1981 Pic kindly supplied by Liz with thanx to Alan and Justin from Bedford Tantra 01 07 84 Anee and Andy