Meet Justin “Justinhio” Saban

Some of you may be wondering who is the new guitarist that has recently replaced ‘Johnny G’ who departed earlier this year. Justin “Justinhio” Saban has made appearances at the recent ‘Scum’  and ‘Rebellion’ Festival’s in the UK. Passport issues prevented his appearance at the ‘WGT Festival in Leipzig.

“We were all disappointed that guitarist Johnny G decided to quit the band for ‘personal reason’s’ earlier this year – we would like to wish him all the best for his future plans.
Justin will now help fill out our sound, he has great technique and with the feedback energy of the Decay sound together, will help ignite our performance”
say’s guitarist Steve Spon

So meet Justin “Justinhio” Saban

Justin-Saban at Rebellion Festival 2014

Justin-Saban at Rebellion Festival 2014

Well known on the Luton scene as a recording engineer, Justin has also worked at studios such as Fortress and Southern in London, being heavily influenced by the techniques and punk ethic of John Loder and Steve Albini. As well as championing Luton bands through his Latent Lemon label, he has also recorded many alternative/post hardcore/punk bands.
Justin was re-introduced to UK Decay’s music while working on the Wonderful Town EP, and was hooked, he just had to join the band!
Although discovering in his teens the joy of experimental guitar noise and building fuzz boxes, Justin bizarrely started off gigging properly by playing jazz and big band with folks from Ronnie Scott’s and Humphrey Lyttelton’s bands. However it wasn’t long before the need to make a healthy distorted din enticed him into playing with Luton band Walking On Ice. After leaving WOI he mostly retreated into the studio, producing and playing guitar on many recordings.
Justin owns Latent Lemon Audio and also designs and builds effects pedals, and is an all-things-guitar-and-ampy boffin. You can stalk him at: and

Wonderful Town LTD Editions

In April 2014 UK Decay released the Wonderful Town EP, paying homage to their home town and football club and raising money for two Luton based charities;  Luton Food Bank and SoLYD (Supporters of Luton Youth Development).

We now have some very special and limited collectors items for sale and offered exclusively to UK Decay fan groups.  These include an extremely limited run of 45 hand pressed coloured vinyl EP.  Each one is individual and unique with Perry from Diamond Black pouring orange onto clear vinyl and then adding small quantities of blue and orange after each press.

We also have three numbered hand pulled silk screen proofs (from an edition of 10) of the front and rear sleeve artwork brilliantly done by A Thin Place. One set was recently auctioned for a £1000! Each proof is slightly different . This is truly a one-off opportunity to secure a rare piece of original punk artwork.

Interested? View items here

Remember, all profits go to Lutonfood bank and SoLYD.We will update you on how much has been raised, with cheque presentations to the charities planned before a Luton home game at Kenilworth Road. Be part of the wonderful Town Story!!

With love and gratitude

Che, Abbo, Spon, Ed and Ray.

LTFC Champions! Wonderful Town – See UK DECAY Live

LTFC have been crowned Conference Premier Champions 2013/14 !

LTFC 2014 Meet the Players – Luton Town Football Club Press Release..

The Town are aiming to help Lutonian punk band UK Decay hit the top of the charts and raise money for Solyd with the release of the group’s new EP Wonderful Town.

To help celebrate the release of this fantastic album and the news that LTFC have been crowned Conference Premier Champions 2013/14, four of your favourite Luton Town players will be in Smith Square in the Mall on Thursday 17th May between 3.15 and 4.15pm.

This is a great opportunity to meet your stars and get Mark Tyler, Steve McNulty, Luke Guttridge and Andre Gray’s autographs on your copy of the Wonderful Town EP.

You will be able to buy your copy from the stall and then have it signed instantly by the heroes that have helped us secure promotion back into the Football League.

The CD can be bought for as little as £5 or why not go old school and pick up the 7 inch Vinyl for just £10.

You can also buy the individual tracks on itunes from as little as 79p and remember that every copy you buy counts towards our push for another title: The charts title.

If you cant make it down to the Mall on Thursday, you can still buy it online at

end of hatters press release….

Why not come and see UK Decay and Bowfinger Live in Luton on May 3rd….

UK Decay and Bowfinger live at the Hat Factory Arts Centre. Saturday May 3rd

UK Decay and Bowfinger live at the Hat Factory Arts Centre. Sat May 3rd

Saturday 3 May 2014, Luton Hat Factory, Luton Tickets available here

Wonderful Town Vinyl, CD and Download…information..

Wonderful Town EP

The Wonderful Town Ep – is now available on iTunes from Monday April 7th

UK Decay’s new WONDERFUL TOWN EP is available in shops and download stores now. The EP is available as a limited edition 7” vinyl gate-fold sleeve with art print insert, limited edition CD gate-fold single with lyric sheet and as a download.

‘I had the idea for a song about the town I love when walking back to the train station after a Luton game 2 years ago . It dawned on me that it is the common aspiration to live in the countryside , but I thought about the generations of my family that had walked the same streets I was walking , and how , even unbeknownst to me , they had probably helped shape the town in both physically contributing to building the environment around me and as spirits that drank in these pubs , rode their bicycles through these streets , came back from 2 world wars ,I wouldn’t have wanted to be from anywhere else ’ says singer Abbo. ‘ Luton educated me about how to get along with people , their cultures , their music and it gave me probably the biggest interest and thread in my life , Luton Town Football Club . I’ve lived in New York and London for most of my life now , but this powerful magnet brings me back . “

The band worked closely with others in the town to produce the EP, using local recording facilities, design studios and pressing plants. Luton Town Football Club also got involved, with the full first team and manager joining the band in the recording studio to put down cover versions of LTFC fan favourites Bring Me Sunshine and Hatters Hatters. The fourth track is a second version of the lead track, but with lyrics linked directly to LTFC. WONDERFUL TOWN is also available to pre-order and buy through the club shop.

‘Luton moulds and shapes anyone who lives there, it gives you a sense of identity that is rarely reflected in the wider media,’ says guitarist Spon. ‘But the production of this shows how wrong those assumptions can be; everyone involved in this has done it for love and a wish to show that the town is not as it is viewed by others.’

All the proceeds from WONDERFUL TOWN will be split between two charities: Luton Foodbank and SoLYD – a supporters’ initiative that helps fund the club’s youth development. Its production has received the kind support of Latent Lemon Audio, ATP Media and Diamond Black, in addition to Love Luton and LTFC.

Digital Download through iTunes

Wonderful Town EP Vinyl Version

Wonderful Town EP CD Version

Direct Order Links below

Rough Trade




New four-track EP WONDERFUL TOWN Now available

LTFC have been crowned Conference Premier Champions 2013/14 !

LTFC 2014 Meet the Players – Luton Town Football Club Press Release..

The Town are aiming to help Lutonian punk band UK Decay hit the top of the charts and raise money for Solyd with the release of the group’s new EP Wonderful Town.

To help celebrate the release of this fantastic album and the news that LTFC have been crowned Conference Premier Champions 2013/14, four of your favourite Luton Town players will be in Smith Square in the Mall on Thursday 17th May between 3.15 and 4.15pm.

This is a great opportunity to meet your stars and get Mark Tyler, Steve McNulty, Luke Guttridge and Andre Gray’s autographs on your copy of the Wonderful Town EP.

You will be able to buy your copy from the stall and then have it signed instantly by the heroes that have helped us secure promotion back into the Football League.

The CD can be bought for as little as £5 or why not go old school and pick up the 7 inch Vinyl for just £10. 

You can also buy the individual tracks on itunes from as little as 79p and remember that every copy you buy counts towards our push for another title: The charts title. 

If you cant make it down to the Mall on Thursday, you can still buy it online at 

 end of hatters press release….

Why not come and see UK Decay and Bowfinger Live in Luton on May 3rd….

UK Decay and Bowfinger live at the Hat Factory Arts Centre. Saturday May 3rd

UK Decay and Bowfinger live at the Hat Factory Arts Centre. Sat May 3rd

Saturday 3 May 2014, Luton Hat Factory, Luton Tickets available here

Wonderful Town Vinyl, CD and Download…information..

Wonderful Town EP

The Wonderful Town Ep – is now available on iTunes from Monday April 7th

UK Decay’s new WONDERFUL TOWN EP is available in shops and download stores now. The EP is available as a limited edition 7” vinyl gate-fold sleeve with art print insert, limited edition CD gate-fold single with lyric sheet and as a download.

‘I had the idea for a song about the town I love when walking back to the train station after a Luton game 2 years ago . It dawned on me that it is the common aspiration to live in the countryside , but I thought about the generations of my family that had walked the same streets I was walking , and how , even unbeknownst to me , they had probably helped shape the town in both physically contributing to building the environment around me and as spirits that drank in these pubs , rode their bicycles through these streets , came back from 2 world wars ,I wouldn’t have wanted to be from anywhere else ’ says singer Abbo. ‘ Luton educated me about how to get along with people , their cultures , their music and it gave me probably the biggest interest and thread in my life , Luton Town Football Club . I’ve lived in New York and London for most of my life now , but this powerful magnet brings me back . “

The band worked closely with others in the town to produce the EP, using local recording facilities, design studios and pressing plants. Luton Town Football Club also got involved, with the full first team and manager joining the band in the recording studio to put down cover versions of LTFC fan favourites Bring Me Sunshine and Hatters Hatters. The fourth track is a second version of the lead track, but with lyrics linked directly to LTFC. WONDERFUL TOWN is also available to pre-order and buy through the club shop.

‘Luton moulds and shapes anyone who lives there, it gives you a sense of identity that is rarely reflected in the wider media,’ says guitarist Spon. ‘But the production of this shows how wrong those assumptions can be; everyone involved in this has done it for love and a wish to show that the town is not as it is viewed by others.’

All the proceeds from WONDERFUL TOWN will be split between two charities: Luton Foodbank and SoLYD – a supporters’ initiative that helps fund the club’s youth development. Its production has received the kind support of Latent Lemon Audio, ATP Media and Diamond Black, in addition to Love Luton and LTFC.

Digital Download through iTunes

Wonderful Town EP Vinyl Version

Wonderful Town EP CD Version

Direct Order Links below

Rough Trade




Live Dates 2014

Live Dates so far confirmed.
Friday 25 April 2014, Georgian Theatre, Stockton-onTees.
Saturday 26 April 2014, Whitby Goth Fest, Whitby
Saturday 3 May 2014,  Luton Hat Factory, Luton
Saturday 10 May 2014, Unpleasant Meeting, Paris
Sunday 25 May 2014, Scum Festival, ~London
June 6-9th, Wave Gottic Treffen – Leipzig
Saturday 9th August, Rebellion Festival

Further gigs to be announced.

The Decadents are back in Town..

The decadents burn up Latent Lemon in the 'Wonderful Town'

The decadents burn up Latent Lemon in the ‘Wonderful Town’

So it’s been a busy week for the band. Monday and Tuesday were spent recording four tracks for the Wonderful Town project at Justin Saban’s Latent Lemon Studios in Luton.
On the Wednesday we then spent the day filming the live sequences for a video that will support the above, before Spon and Ed headed back to the studio to lay down final overdubs.
In between all this, Abbo also managed to squeeze in the time to sing with some very special guests at the Hat Factory (thanks Fahim and Paul for sorting out the venue and recording at such short notice!).
We’ll be sending out more updates on the Wonderful Town project over the next few weeks – see you then.

Gigs for 2014

Whats new in 2014!

We are booking gigs for 2014 and can announce a number of dates
Georgian Theatre Stockton, 25th April, 2014

Georgian Theatre Stockton Unpleasant-Meeting. Paris Unpleasant-Meeting


Friday 25 April 2014, Georgian Theatre, Stockton-onTees.
Saturday 26 April 2014, Whitby Goth Fest, Whitby
Saturday 3 May 2014,  Luton Hat Factory, Luton
Saturday 10 May 2014, Unpleasant Meeting, Paris
Friday 23 May 2014 Scum Festival, ~London

There are further dates to be confirmed shortly, we shall fill in with further information in due course. So you have kept your New Years resolution (you have – haven’t you?) and embarked on a torturous legging it through sodden bogs, swamps and lakes that our wondrous country has become, vegan turkey, plum pudding, rum, pipe slippers and onesie now fully digested, let your New Years  resolution enable your dancing shoes to trim up for further nights of celebration.. shaping up!..coming soon Whoa-hey!



The brand new  revitalised  UK Decay Communities archive site – now online!



A Poker Soundtrack of Rockin’ Proportions

Music to get you pumped up at poker games

Whether people are aware of it or not, music has a profound effect on people’s moods. One need only watch any of the recut trailers littered on the Internet – most notably the one where Stanley Kubrick’s seminal psychological horror film The Shining gets turned into a romantic comedy – to see how the power of music can affect the overall atmosphere.

Many poker players have taken to wearing headphones while playing their rounds. Some might argue that having music blaring at your ears might affect your concentration. On the flipside though, players who do sport headphones see music as more of a secret weapon of sorts, putting them in the right frame of mind when the game calls for it. In fact, this “mood control” method might even help them in misdirecting their opponents if they’re really good at taking full advantage of music’s capabilities.

Poker is a game that requires keeping close tabs on its progress, even if you’re playing online. Betfair Poker’s many tournament challenges like the Jackpot Sit&Go and the VIP Club Bonanza may not have quite the same atmosphere as playing on the floors of the MGM Grand, but the discipline of maintaining composure all throughout a game session is still an imperative; and music might just be your key towards learning that discipline.

If you’re looking to add the element of music to your poker-playing, the following musical cues could come in handy for your inaugural session soundtrack:

1. Ratatat’s “Loud Pipes” has that blues guitar touch to an electronic-based percussion whose synth isn’t too overpowering; just subdued enough to let the melody shine through. It gives the listener that laid back feel without being too relaxed. In other words, it’s the perfect musical opener to a soon-to-be-heated poker session.

2. Although Modest Mouse has since achieved some semblance of mainstream fame in recent years, many fans still remember their earlier days when their sound was rawer and more intimate in an acoustic hall sort of way. The track “Polar Opposites” from their 1997 indie album classic The Lonesome Crowded West probably best sums up the whole feel that they were going for: taking it easy while on a long journey. That’s “in-between mood” in poker terms.

3. As the game wears on, and the stakes get higher, the competition is sure to heat up. To get your gameface on, post-punk band UK Decay’s “Decadance” should do the job. Its steady cadence is backed by a guitar riff that gradually increases in intensity and provides just the right amount of rush to pull you through towards the clutch.

4. Finally, any track from now-defunct band Rage Against the Machine’s debut album should psych you up into giving 110% to come out with the win. “You gotta take the power back,” as Zack de la Rocha puts it, and take it back you will with this alternative metal classic bringing out your A-game.

The relationship between music and mood has long been known by adherents of the art form, and this psycho-aural connection is a major factor that great masters consider when crafting their work. This connection can be utilized by poker players to their advantage. All that’s needed is in figuring out which ones fit which occasions.

A night to unwind at the O2

Steve Ignorant’s – Slice of Life, Frankie B’s – At Night We Cry and Cambridge’s very own Freedom Faction and a wonderful crowd , joined us for a mega night to unwind at the O2 Academy, Islington, London last Saturday. Big thanks to all of the artist’s mentioned above, plus Frank Flag, Jason and the O2 technical crew and staff for making the show run pretty much glitch free. We really enjoyed ourselves and thought all the other bands and the audience were fantastic, the O2 is well set up technically for bands, apart from the countless flights of stairs between the stage and the dressing rooms.

The only regret is that we didn’t get chance to meet up with everyone afterwards, the management needed everyone out, so they could open the night club in time.

Video by puremania7777

Bring on 2014 and there is a plethora of back-scene activity of gig planning happening at the moment, we will bring further news of gigs in due course, but right now we can announce that we are appearing at the Whitby Gothic Festival on the April 26th . There is talk of new material and further release’s, nothing definite to report at the moment but watch this space!

UK Decay live at O2 Academy

 Islington, London. This Saturday 16th November, doors open 6pm



> Doors: 6.00pm

FREEDOM FACTION: 6.30 – 7.00

FRANKO B: 7.10 – 7.40

STEVE IGNORANT’s Slice Of Life: 7.55 – 8.35

UK DECAY: 8.50 – 10.00

>Curfew – 10.00pm strict!

Do you fancy getting your hands on a vinyl test pressing of New Hope for the Dead signed by the band?

If so we’ll be handing out raffle tickets to everyone attending Saturday’s Islington 02 show, with the winner announced by Franko B on the night.

Franko not only created the artwork, but will be appearing with his band At Night We cry.

This will be Decay’s last ‘Night of Celebration’ in London and the south for the foreseeable future. We promise a choice mix of our new songs and our old classics supported by an excellent line-up with a few surprises during the evening. Doors open 6pm – performances timed to enable the catching of as many last trains as possible – This is unmissable – Saturday’s show is fast filling up, but we still have some friends and family tickets available on the night at a concessionary rate. If you’d like one then email us at and we’ll put your name down. You can then pay for the conc tickets on arrival at the door.

Also T Shirt-wise, we will have some brand new design’s based on New Hope For The Dead white and red text on a black shirt. This is a limited screen printed run and if there is anything left after the O2 gig, we will duly place on our website here. The will also be a selection of stickers buttons, badges, posters, some vinyl, CD’s and hopefully more, all available on our merchandise stall at O2 – Look out for us.

Many thanks and hopefully see you on Saturday

Abbo, Ed, Ray and Spon

Contributors Wanted for UK Decay Book Project! More
“NEW BETA” – Why not try out our UK-Decay SN Activity
Register for the new UK Decay network

New Hope For The Dead T Shirts

UK Decay on BBC twice in 24 hours.

Decay have experienced something of a a double whammy on the Beeb early this week.


UK Decay on BBC twice in 24 hours. First on Monday evening just before East Enders, BBC journalist Sarfraz Manzoor returned to his hometown Luton on ‘Inside Out – East’ at 7.30pm. He talked to people in the town about the recent years of bad press the town and it’s inhabitants have endured. The town has often appeared in the national news for the wrong reason’s and this has somewhat ingrained itself on to the national psyche – how does this effect Lutonians? In complex ways it seems to say the least! Sarfraz wanders about meeting students with mixed opinions and later he talks to artists and musicians associated with the town.

Cue to a meeting and an interview by Sarfraz with “school classmates” – Fahim Qureshi the chief at The Hat Factory Arts Centre and Steve ‘Abbo’ Abbott, music impresario and lead singer with Punk band UK Decay. Both ‘Fame’ (Fahim) and Abbo were involved in the early Luton Punk scene either in bands or promoting gigs – both once spikey-haired do it yourself alternative revolutionaries. Now both matured with the years but underlining the same basic ethos underscoring their current positions. The discussion was about Luton and it’s musical and punk intercourse with the outside world. How in order to ‘make it’ you would have to leave the town for the capital and the outside world. Then it was all important to remember your special relationship with your hometown. Abbo pointed out that Decay were spawned out of Luton but were now an international band and everywhere the band plays, the audience is made aware of the bands hometown – Luton.

Sarfraz Mansoor interviews Abbo and Fahim

Safraz found optimism in this – he too had left Luton ‘Dick Whittington’ style and was now perhaps ready to think about returning and setting up home once more in the town.
The interview was interspersed with four or five seconds of live footage from UK Decays recent Hat Factory gig.

You can catch up on this on BBC Iplayer for the next few days….


A few hours later actually at 3am UK Decay’s 1981 Peel Session was re-broadcasted on BBC 6 Music’s ‘Live Hour’. This session was broadcasted earlier in the month on Gideon Coe’s October 10th Show.

Last nights ‘Live Hour’ also included The Sex Pistols live from Finsbury Park London in1996 and a another Peel session by Dawn of the Replicants.

The Gideon Coe show has now finished on Iplayer but for the next seven days you can catch up with the Live Show. Furthermore it seems you can link the individual tracks to a BBC playlist thingy (Not entirely sure how that works or whether it’s limited to seven days or permanent?)

Make of it what you will, here’s the link to the Iplayer and the playlist for the Live Show.


UK Decay Live in Madrid

UK Decay Live at TheSGM-Fest, Madrid, Spain, Saturday November 2 - Tickets available here....

Click image for further information and tickets

The band head to Spain to perform live at ‘Semano Gotica de Madrid’ SGMFEST on 02/11/13.
This will be UK Decay’s first ever visit to Spain and the band are really looking forward to their visit.

The full itinerary is as follows..


Doors open: 23.00 hours


DJs: Billyphobia + Jorge Rara Avis – 06.00 ntil

Advance Ticket price: 30 € – In door: 35 €

On sale in specialized stores
Rara Avis Store , C / de la Palma 40 and Diskpol , C / Jesús del Valle 8.
Also available online at Ticketea