
UK Decay Community Native Activities

D-K = ‘Decay’ – short for – ‘UK Decay’ or ‘UKDK’ or ‘ukdecay

Com = Community or Communities

Native = Independence Freedom and Sovereignty for the Community

Activities = The Communications, Chatter and Social Animation of the Community

Launching soon is a brand new community attribute within the contemporary twenty first century UK-Decay website. “UK Decay Community Native Activities” is the official title for our new community section, the shortened version will be known as “D-K-Com” as explained above.

D-K-Com Native Activity Stream 

The new D-K-Com aspect is live now albeit in ‘beta’ mode, if you look closer at the sidebars on various pages you will see a new ‘Activity’ stream. This is very similar in some ways to the Facebook Wall or Twitter feeds, but the big difference is that it is independent from some of the intrusive privacy issues and the meddling of the big social networks. If there is to be any Facebook or Twitter etc integration, it will be by the users choice and not be mandatory by default.
The style of the chat is instantaneous across the website Activity locations and can even be sourced by RSS feed. The user can post up their own avatar, comments, links, videos and photo’s as in facebook and there is a ‘Like’ button and Profile page for every user.

The really current and hot news will be discussed here first where the community can get into conversations without the limitations and other issues associated with Facebook. We of course will still make use of Facebook and Twitter etc for official announcements but for us, the real-deal will be here.


D-K-Com Native Activity Forum and Groups

Groups are a cool way for a sub or specialist community to formulate ideas as a group with discussion feeds. As an example the UK Decay book project will have a group created, which will include the author and contributors who will be able to converse together in an ‘open’ fashion – which means that outsiders can view (but not participate- unless invited to join) Alternatively it can be made ‘private’ so it’s only open to members of that group – The group would discuss issues on the putting together of the book – the author might not want the information discussed within the group going public right now -As mentioned this is just an example, but it gives an idea.

D-K-Com Membership

Will be a one sign in for all aspects and once logged in, the user can adjust their profile page and settings. There will be a comprehensive FAQ and HELP section – we are currently working on that. We have had to add anti spam security measures on the initial registration page, but once the account is activated the user can add their ‘Status’ with links, videos etc to their activity stream, ‘Add Friends’, ‘Comment’ on others ‘Status’ ‘Like’ others ‘Status’ or ‘Comments’, ‘Favorite’, send ‘Private Messages’ to ‘Friends’, Join ‘Groups’, Form ‘Groups’, Add ‘New Topics’ to Forums, reply to ‘Topics’ or other ‘replies’, upload photo’s, embed videos.

In the future there will be even more functionality as the system we use evolves.

Getting involved?

We are still in ‘beta’ stage at the moment but if you would like to get involved in the testing stage, please feel welcome to register yourself an account and get ‘Active’ with the ‘Natives’ on our ‘Community’

Register for D-K-Com Native Activities