Live Dates so far confirmed.
Friday 25 April 2014, Georgian Theatre, Stockton-onTees.
Saturday 26 April 2014, Whitby Goth Fest, Whitby
Saturday 3 May 2014, Luton Hat Factory, Luton
Saturday 10 May 2014, Unpleasant Meeting, Paris
Sunday 25 May 2014, Scum Festival, ~London
June 6-9th, Wave Gottic Treffen – Leipzig
Saturday 9th August, Rebellion Festival
Further gigs to be announced.
Whitby Goth Weekend is a great weekend for both young and old to get tetgoher and enjoy the unique experience that is Whitby. I have been coming for 6 years now and it Just gets better each year. Thanks for featuring the picture of myself (in the green dress) and my sister enjoying a well earned cuppa it’s great to take the weight off your bustle and watch the world go by.