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Blog Archives
NHFTD Press Quotes
A page has been created for quotes and with links to reviews for UK Decay’s new album ‘New Hope For The Dead’ (aka NHFTD) here
Its Punky! Radio
Strange Boutique
The band were interviewed at the recent Brighton gig by host, David A. Sharman for a Brighton radio station. Dave’s ‘Strange Boutique’ features Punk and Post Punk and is broadcast every Thursdays at 7pm. The interview with ukdecay will be accompanied by excerpts from the new album ‘New Hope From The Dead’. We will update further details, there will be a ‘listen again’.
From The Ladder Factory: Radio Interview with Ray
Sean Hodgson Just recorded an interview with drummer Ray – out on 14th March on ‘…from The Ladder Factory’ …’The Green Ladder Show’